Marginal Consort

Monday, October 16, 2023, Karlstorbahnhof

Marginal Consort

What is an instrument? What is music? What is a concert at all? A performance by Marginal Consort, the Japanese noise-impro collective is anything but what you'd expect from a conventional concert experience. The sound artists - currently Kazuo Imai, Tomonao Koshikawa, Kei Shii and Masami Tada - challenge listening habits. At their concerts, of which there is usually only one a year, only the start and end times for the three-hour performance are fixed. And that the audience can sit, lie, walk around between each performer. The rest is free improvisation, in which self-made instruments, marbles, water or bamboo are also used.

"Marginal Consort is not music. It's only sound," is how Kazuo Imai describes it. As part of a collaboration with the Polish unsound Festival and the Parisian art institution Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection, Marginal Consort will come to Enjoy Jazz for one of their rare live performances.


At a glance

Start: Monday, October 16, 2023, 19:00

Admission: 18:00

Location: Karlstorbahnhof, Marlene-Dietrich Platz 3, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, 69126, Germany

Seating: se ated


Box office: 30 EUR

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Kazuo Imai : g, elec
Tomonao Koshikawa : elec
Kei Shii : elec
Masami Tada : perc, elec


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