Replacement date for the solo piano concert by Michael Wollny in the Christuskirche Mannheim: On Saturday 31 July, the jazz pianist will close last year's festival edition. All tickets remain valid. There are still a few remaining tickets for the additional show at 5 pm.
Sat. 31.07.2021, start 5 pm: additional show, remaining tickets available
Sat. 31.07.2021, start 8 pm: sold out
Last year's planned concert "The Motives of Richard W." with the musicians Lömsch Lehmann, Matthias TC Debus and Erwin Ditzner will also be made up for on 20 July at the Open Summer Stage of the dasHaus Ludwigshafen cultural centre. The concert is supported by funds from the federal government's NEUSTART KULTUR fund and is free of charge. Tickets already purchased will be cancelled by Reservix shortly.
Thu. 20.07.2021, start 7 pm: Summer Stage Kulturzentrum dasHaus Ludwigshafen,
free admission.

Date: July 6 , 2021