Mourning for Peter Wolfgang Emter

The cultural journalist Peter Wolfgang Emter is dead.

Peter W. Emter, a native of Neckarsulm, discovered his passion for jazz during his school years at the Heilbronn Gymnasium and the Schloss Salem boarding school, a passion that would remain with him throughout his life.

In Heidelberg, he first studied chemistry, later law, and graduated in sociology and political science. In Mannheim, Peter W. Emter first worked with socially disadvantaged young people, then from the 1980s until his death he worked for the cultural editorial department of SWR in Stuttgart.

I had known Peter W. Emter since we were students together in Heidelberg. He had a great influence on the development of my personal passion for jazz. He will be missed - as a jazz expert and as a person - and not only by me.

Dr. h.c. Manfred Lautenschläger
Chairman of the Enjoy Jazz Board of Trustees