Innovator is a big word. For Peter Brötzmann, however, it is rather a size too small. This saxophonist, who constantly sparks off substantial creative sparks, is often described as "keen to experiment". Strictly speaking, this is a misunderstanding: he is not keen to experiment, he himself is the experiment - a never-ending original source of something different. Basically, Brötzmann has remained avant-garde to this day. Incidentally, nobody regrets this more than Brötzmann himself, who is indeed one of the handful of European musicians who have given far more impulses in their work than they have received. Brötzmann turns 80 today, and the greatest conceivable honor was bestowed on this important universal artist (Brötzmann is also a successful visual artist) many years ago. He was immortalized in the German vocabulary with the verb "brötzen". We would like to thank him for unforgettable evenings at Enjoy Jazz, which we hope will soon be followed by more, and bow our heads with respect!
© Hans van der Linden