Jutta Glaser & Claus Boesser-Ferrari - Return & Crossing

They have been working together on and off for over 20 years and have constantly explored the boundaries of their instrument and often even expanded them: singer Jutta Glaser and guitarist Claus Boesser-Ferrari. Their current project "Return & Crossing" is a tribute to the Lebanese-American painter, film artist and poet Etel Adnan. A multi-talented artist, Adnan has exhibited at dOCUMENTA (13) in 2012, among other places, but has also received several prestigious literary awards. "For me, her poetry is a kind of tonal language. It's actually music," says Boesser-Ferrari. "But you wouldn't do it justice with the usual song structures. And that was precisely our challenge."

Jutta Glaser and Claus Boesser-Ferrari have therefore opened up their music to Adnan's poems. In doing so, they have not simply deconstructed their compositions, but on the contrary, have restructured them, floating in the flow of the language, i.e. in a peculiarly fluid way. They have deliberately worked in a more sound-painterly way in order to take up the aspect of multiple talents and Etel Adnan's interdisciplinary approach and reflect it in a corresponding art form. "We basically composed improvisationally," explains guitarist Boesser-Ferrari. The CD recordings are like a kind of essence that is constantly evolving in new and different ways at concerts, both artistically and atmospherically." Just as Adnan's poetry is always read in new and different ways, so too is this music, which is so extremely changeable in itself.

Jutta Glaser's singing is a sometimes delicate and fragile, sometimes highly expressive, but always respectful bow to Adnan's texts. Glaser transfers them with virtuosity and sensitivity into congenial improvisations and alienations, without overstretching the natural richness of the texts. "Adnan's poetry is first and foremost a very high and pure art. It was a very exciting experience to come into contact with it as a singer and to take the freedom to experiment and allow irritation, in other words to work in a counterpoint and appreciative way at the same time."

Claus Boesser-Ferrari, supported by cleverly deployed electronics, acts here not as an accompanist, but as a second voice in a dialog of different artistic means and formal languages. The guitarist moves with his customary stylistic confidence between lyrical soundscapes, percussive tones and expressive outbursts.

"Return & Crossing" is a multi-layered dramaturgical production that not only brings out the high musicality of Adnan's language, organized in open diffusion surfaces, with love and meticulousness, but also makes it sound as multi-layered as it is stirring.

You can listen to and purchase the release here:



Jutta Glaser: vocals
Claus Boesser-Ferrari: guitar, electronics

All songs composed by Boesser-Ferrari/Glaser,
except : "The Sea was Alone..." by Bisha/Boesser-Ferrari
All poems by Etel Adnan


Recorded 13.7.2022 & 19.8.2022 at Adax Dörsam Studio, Rimbach
Cover Artwork: Jutta Glaser
