Sometimes you really hardly know where to put your grief. Rolf Kühn, as was only announced today, died on august 18. With Kühn, who as a "half-Jew" had once been barred from attending music conservatory, international jazz loses a pillar of support. He was perhaps the last grand master of an instrument that has unjustly gone a little out of fashion, the clarinet. Above all, he was a wonderful human being. His wisdom always remained a soft one, kind-hearted and turned towards people. Rolf Kühn was not only appreciated, he was loved. Also by us. From the great dance orchestra to free jazz to his late ballads album "Yellow + Blue": Kühn always remained curious and flexible in his art. He was a mentor to numerous young musicians. He was also highly respected in the USA, where he lived for a time in the same house as Billie Holiday and performed at the Newport Jazz Festival, among others. The "German Jazz Trophy" winner was set in our 2023 anniversary lineup. Now there will be no more headlines like 2019 in the Mannheimer Morgen "Rolf Kühn shines at Enjoy Jazz". We are stunned, saddened and feel for his relatives, especially his wife Melanie and his brother Joachim. The loss is immeasurable. Rainer Kern & the entire Enjoy Jazz team

Date: august 22, 2022